
Poop - The toilet overflowed with poop.

And they kept walking and walking, the pile had already risen above the water, and at a critical moment it grew to the butt and it got dirty.  That's how much poop comes out after Slagdonalds.
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Posted: Misha Kakashkin banwarning

Thoughts: And they kept walking and walking, the pile had already risen above the water, and at a critical moment it grew to the butt and it got dirty. That's how much poop comes out after Slagdonalds.

Time: It's been a very long time, probably an hour

2013-12-04 12:04:52 74 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
A fly landed on the jam, but it wasn't jam, it was shit)

74 remove_red_eye

And from our window you can see a bunch of shit)

72 remove_red_eye