
Poop - Green

fucked up I fucked up like a cow took a picture and then fucked up as much
  •   168 shit eater shit

    I even had a red turd once.

    11 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Novosibirsk

  •   Pisyun govnoedovich

    Very attractive and amazing Kulibyaka sucker

    2 years ago

    Country : Belarus, City: Minsk

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Posted: Oleg Tinkoff banwarning

Thoughts: fucked up I fucked up like a cow took a picture and then fucked up as much

Time: yes fucking 2 minutes probably

2022-08-24 03:28:48 74 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
A fly landed on the jam, but it wasn't jam, it was shit)

74 remove_red_eye

And from our window you can see a bunch of shit)

72 remove_red_eye