
Poop - Turd in 4 passes

This work of art was squeezed out of the ass in 4 approaches. First, the first poop appeared, after which the owner wiped his ass and got up from the toilet. But immediately three more poo asked to go outside, eager to see the white color of the toilet.
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Posted: Natalia is a native banwarning

Thoughts: This work of art was squeezed out of the ass in 4 approaches. First, the first poop appeared, after which the owner wiped his ass and got up from the toilet. But immediately three more poo asked to go outside, eager to see the white color of the toilet.

Time: 4 to 15

2014-02-12 19:09:42 81 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
And again shit in the cold)

81 remove_red_eye

Just a huge turd - unreal

79 remove_red_eye