
Poop - Zagagulins - Kakashulins

And here is another work from the shit of an abstract modernist. Everyone can see something of their own in this shit. Take a closer look at these shapes and you will certainly see that from your subconscious mind.
  •   Qwerty

    Your handwriting is fucked up, I can't fucking make out what you shit

    9 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Moscow

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Posted: Natalia is a native banwarning

Thoughts: And here is another work from the shit of an abstract modernist. Everyone can see something of their own in this shit. Take a closer look at these shapes and you will certainly see that from your subconscious mind.

Time: like there is nowhere to go for a long time

2014-02-14 17:41:25 74 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
A fly landed on the jam, but it wasn't jam, it was shit)

74 remove_red_eye

And from our window you can see a bunch of shit)

72 remove_red_eye