
Poop - Smeared means no luck

Good afternoon, Lew, I'm eating shit in Moscow on the weekend.
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    It was poured on the first bed in my grandfather's kindergarten, I also had such a case, I vomited another person laughed, they moved me to another bed and that person shit himself hphpphphah

    7 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Omsk

  •   Radmir


    7 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Ufa

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Posted: Dmitry Zaporov banwarning

Thoughts: Good afternoon, Lew, I'm eating shit in Moscow on the weekend.

Time: All night

2023-02-13 11:38:44 71 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
A bunch of scraps of poop bae..

71 remove_red_eye

spring will show who serialized where

69 remove_red_eye