
Poop - Papados

There will be no shit today
  •   dick

    test script alert1 script

    5 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Ussuriysk

  •   Katya

    Where did the crocodile come from

    5 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Moscow

  •   kakaha

    stuff that I need to eat

    1 year ago

    Country : Russia, City: Saint Petersburg

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Posted: Dmitry Zaporov banwarning

Thoughts: There will be no shit today

Time: I didn't shit

2023-02-21 16:19:00 68 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
Turd number two and a half

68 remove_red_eye

Turd worm is looking at you

66 remove_red_eye