Gorgeous nigga
Somewhere under bakhmut it looks terrifying
1 year ago
Country : Belarus, City: Minsk
Verse 1Mama well, how are things in the edge of steppes and terricons, I heard that the enemies came to our land and want to destroy everything as soon as possible. Here every city of childhood is familiar to me for a long time Druzhkovka Slavyansk Kramatorsk Now on the news feeds Donbass save your children, get up Donbass, get up my native land, get up Donbass, let's drive the junta together, Get up Donbass Russians, get up with you, Get up Donbass you will become a new one Brest Buy 2Mama how are the hard workers and miners doing when we walked on the Maidan, our people worked hard and fed idlers, Slavyansk and holy Mountains will help us all, these are our cities and they will be ours forever we will not give them to their enemies, Stop Donbass, we will drive away the junta, Stop Donbass, you will become a new Brest, Stop Donbass, get up my native land, Stop Donbass, Russians, with you, for 3 months life continued from Donetsk to Odessa, cities were green, coal was carried, trains smoked pipes as usual, as
1 year ago
Country : Russia, City: Kachkanar
Posted: SENYA IS SWEET banwarning
Thoughts: Donbass save your children
Time: 4 hours
2023-04-21 19:54:28 91 remove_red_eye