
Poop - Russian elephant

Don't stand under a fucking elephant, otherwise it will be like
  •   driston

    baby elephant took a shower of blessings

    6 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Volzhsk

  •   Mirusya


    1 year ago

    Country : Ukraine, City: Berezhany

  •   555

    Wow, and how do they suck out such lumps

    1 year ago

    Country : Ukraine, City: Izvestkovoye

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Posted: Ytsuken banwarning

Thoughts: Don't stand under a fucking elephant, otherwise it will be like

Time: He's coming back soon

2023-08-10 14:38:59 80 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
And again shit in the cold)

80 remove_red_eye

What could this mean?

78 remove_red_eye