
Poop - Shit with poppy seeds (big pile of shit)

I was thinking about how not to touch the pile of booty. I pooped a lot and watched a lot, and really a lot, and then it went on and on.  And the pile overflowed the entire toilet is not visible in the photo, but it turned out to be about 10 cm high.  Compare the size of the pile with the hole in the toilet.
  •   Mr diarrhea

    This is a photo from the Internet

    1 year ago

    Country : Russia, City: Volgograd

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Posted: Vasily Rubakha banwarning

Thoughts: I was thinking about how not to touch the pile of booty. I pooped a lot and watched a lot, and really a lot, and then it went on and on. And the pile overflowed the entire toilet is not visible in the photo, but it turned out to be about 10 cm high. Compare the size of the pile with the hole in the toilet.

Time: And the shit kept choking and choking non-stop for half an hour!!

2016-04-02 17:21:35 72 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
And from our window you can see a bunch of shit)

72 remove_red_eye

Is it really shit sir?

70 remove_red_eye