
Poop - Green stool after red wine

We drank red wine with a friend and as a result I emptied myself with such green feces
  •   Lord

    Julia, then write to me on my mail lordovich02mailru

    10 months ago

    Country : Sweden, City: Sollentuna

  •   Julia

    Lord Mercy wanted to hide the mail in EXIF, but alas, the photos are squeezed and everything is deleted from there

    10 months ago

    Country : Germany, City: Hennigsdorf

  •   Lord

    It's not even very bad Julia's yummy, but where is it in an inconspicuous place

    10 months ago

    Country : Sweden, City: Stockholm

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Posted: Julia banwarning

Thoughts: We drank red wine with a friend and as a result I emptied myself with such green feces

Time: 2D

2023-11-17 17:26:01 91 remove_red_eye

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