
Poop - It turned out to be a feather

The okroshka came out
  •   Julia

    Yes, I'm tired. Will you share the recipe, please

    6 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Omsk

  •   Julia

    Julia okroshka 2 plates eaten right eaten

    6 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Omsk

  •   Julia

    Julia and then you ate mashed potatoes

    7 months ago

    Country : Russia, City: Moscow

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Posted: Julia banwarning

Thoughts: The okroshka came out

Time: 2 min

2024-02-25 16:10:18 79 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
Shit that was hard!!!

79 remove_red_eye

classic sausage

77 remove_red_eye