
Poop - Turd number two and a half

About the high and the beautiful.
  •   Banana

    I threw up in my tea and fell off the table and threw up on my mom's face again Now I'm punished

    8 months ago

    Country : Germany, City: Frankfurt am Main



    1 year ago

    Country : , City:

  •   Igor

    soda kea

    3 years ago

    Country : Ukraine, City: Ivano-Frankivsk

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Posted: Misha Kakashkin banwarning

Thoughts: About the high and the beautiful.

Time: not very long

2013-11-13 21:50:18 68 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
Dog made from poop)

68 remove_red_eye

Turd worm is looking at you

66 remove_red_eye