
Poop - The Lord of Shit is in the photo

So that's what kind of brown lord he is )
  •   Shit

    Ban assholes soon

    1 year ago

    Country : Russia, City: Saratov



    3 years ago

    Country : Russia, City: Kazan

  •   Ekaterina

    That's so shit lord!

    6 years ago

    Country : Russia, City: Al’met’yevsk

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Posted: Misha Kakashkin banwarning

Thoughts: So that's what kind of brown lord he is )

Time: Her master has been crushing her all her life

2013-11-25 08:29:14 73 remove_red_eye

Close by views poop
It was not childish

73 remove_red_eye

A bunch of scraps of poop bae..

71 remove_red_eye